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CranioSacral Yoga Therapy

INNER OCEAN Annette Voigt - CranioSacral Yoga Therapy - A combination of gentle manual and energetic techniques to uncover and resolve stress, pressure, inner disharmony, traumatic experiences and other causes of imbalance and their effects.

This very gentle and subtle, yet intense and profound holistic bodywork was founded by Andrea Gruemmer and is a treatment that involves all aspects of being human.


Everything that we have ever experienced is stored within us and leaves 'traces'. Experiences that feel positive to us contribute to our health, they harmonize and strengthen us. Unresolved conflicts, shocks, traumas and experiences that we have experienced as negative, affect our inner balance and reappear sometimes after a long time as physical or mental complaints.


Working with a combination of gentle manual and energetic techniques it is possible to uncover and transform stress, pressure, inner disharmony, traumatic experiences and other causes of imbalance and their effects. This creates space for a new inner alignment and the activation of our self-healing powers.


During the session, you're invited to immerse yourself in a state of deep relaxation. Generally, it is not necessary to relive painful experiences. Your mind is always involved in the process but doesn't direct the work. Our focus is your soul, whose guidance I follow and who knows the best and simplest solution for you and your worries.


Individual sessions are possible on all subjects that affect us as humans. As well just as Wellness Application.


For all ages, Mom/Dad and baby or pregnant women.

As pure Energy Work Online or by phone.

CranioSacral Yoga Therapy is often part of coaching.


Animals also love this bodywork.

You can read more about Cranial Osteopathy here ...

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